Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Excuse me; No More Miss Nice Girl

Excuses Excuses.

I have a tendency to make excuses for why I "can't" do something. Weather  it's working out (I'm too busy, too tired, too fat so people will make fun of me if they see me trying...) or more importantly, reaching out for help with my career. I tend to shy away for asking for favors, meetings, even taking people up on their offers to help. I guess I feel like I don't want to waste their time, or that they are more important than me and I will annoy them with my questions, or they were "Just being nice" when they offered. 

Well, I've decided I'm done being nice and making excuses. Let this serve as a warning, that if you offer your help, I'm gonna say yes. I am gonna nail down a date with you to meet, to ask you questions to buy you a cup of coffee in exchange for picking your brain. I am going to email you, call you and keep reminding you I exist, because I want to develop relationships with people who are doing what I have a passion for, and find out how they got there so I can get there too.

And here's my promise in return: I will help others. I will share the knowledge I acquire with those who are a step or two behind me. I will not be selfish with my knowledge or abilities. I will pay it forward, pass it on, and be gracious and grateful for the opportunity to help someone. I will be approachable and generous with my time. 

So there you go, no more excuses! 

Be sure to tune in to Talkin Toons today with Rob Paulsen and I, with the INCOMPARABLE Bob Bergen. Porky PIG y'all!!!

Now, excuse me while I go for a run. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weekly Wednesday Blog!

I know I said Tuesday was Blog day, but I changed my mind. Wednesday will now be blog day. I have a reason though!! Wednesday evenings is when Talkin' Toons airs on and I can tell you all about our guest for the week!!

This week: Lara Jill Miller!!

That's right all you mom's with you kids, Lambie from Doc McStuffins herself! No Kids? How about Naruto fans? Because she is Matsuri too! Naruto not your thing? Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! then, or Curious George, Digimon, GENERAL HOSPITAL??? I mean come on people, Lara has something for everyone, AND she's sweet as pie to boot.  Please join us on the live stream tonight at:

Or you can download the podcast only on iTunes or the FREE Talkin Toons app for Apple and Android devices, on Friday!

In Abby news, I am working on a few corporate VO jobs and looking for a new agent! Putting together a new website and animation demo...just plugging away at this job I'm so blessed to do! Tune in to the podcast tonight at 6:30pm Pacific and ask Lara your questions! Or Me or Rob, because we're always there too!

Lots of love!